Crew Cymraig
Criw Cymraeg
As a Federation we are proud of our pupils and actively encourage them to use their voice to create positive change for themselves and their peers. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states that ‘children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives.’ Our Criw Cymraeg provide a meaningful way in which our pupils can voice their opinions and have their views considered in decisions that impact upon them. We believe it is an important and useful way for us as a Federation to provide leadership and development opportunities for our pupils.
The Welsh Assembly Government has announced an aim to increase the number of welsh speakers in Wales to 1 million by the year 2050. As part of this aim, they have issued a charter called 'Siarter Iaith Cymraeg' - The Welsh Language Charter.
The school part of this charter is called Cymraeg Campus and as a Federation we have created a 'Criw Cymraeg' or Welsh Crew to promote the use of the Welsh Language in our school/Federation and the wider community.
Pupils help to make decisions about how the school/Federation is run and take on projects that support the pupils’ learning and development in Welsh, such as ensuring that our environments demonstrate we are in Wales, representing the school at outside events such as the Urdd, welcoming Welsh speakers to our Federation such as Martyn Geraint, learning Welsh songs, hymns, and poems.
Pupils are given the opportunity to feedback their plans and impact evaluations to a wide range of stakeholders including the Executive Headteacher, Heads of School, Senior Leaders, staff members, Governing Body (GB) peers, ITE students, CSC partners, Estyn etc.
Our Criw Cymraeg is usually elected annually by the other pupils and/or selected by staff members due to the pupil’s skills, knowledge, and attributes.
In the 23-24 academic year our Criw Cymraeg’s are currently:
Working towards achieving our bronze award.
Developing Welsh games for pupils to play on the playground.
Developing the quality of Helpwr Heddiw every day.